Right-wing Congressman Matt Gaetz is unfit for office.
He allegedly attempted to intimidate a witness before one Congressional hearing, and he tried to throw Parkland school shooting victims’ parents out of another hearing. In a racist tirade, Gaetz said that building Trump’s wall would be more effective than background checks.
That’s why we’re raising money for his Democratic opponent in 2020. This is the amount that the last Democratic challenger raised running against this scumbag. The least we can do is give whoever that candidate is a head start.
Rush a donation now to Matt Gaetz’ future Democratic opponent -- your money goes straight to his opponent’s 2020 campaign.
Show your support for this campaign by endorsing it and sharing why!
Denise Willette-Legg endorsed
“He is a Horrible man and it’s hard for me to believe that he was ever elected to represent anyone! He lies like his leader, Trump, and neither deserve to be in our government!”
Susan S endorsed
“We are a disabled veteran family, and a Republican one, at that. We will be voting for Phil because we want to be represented by a veteran who knows what it means to serve. We are weary of the machinations of the spoiled, privileged, entitled brat (Matt Gaetz), who rose through the political ranks on daddy’s coattails. He has made a mockery of the good folks of NW Florida. It’s time to bring his tenure to an end.”
Michel Stong endorsed
“We have a lot of work to do as a country. No time for a ‘stuntman’s, it’s time for real action and someone who takes the job of actually representing folx seriously.”
Melinda Jacobson endorsed
“No one who threatens witnesses, or bullies the families of gun victims, should serve in the government of my country.”
Sandra Turner-Purvis endorsed
“He. like Trump does not belong in our government.”
February 11, 2019
New video: #MakeMattPay
"You asked me to leave the room. You know what? You're going to leave the room. And you're going to leave the seat."
That's what Manny Oliver said to Matt Gaetz in a new interview with NowThis News.
Last year, Manny lost his son, Joaquin, in the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
Right now, a landmark background checks bill is moving through Congress – and he went to Washington to support it. But longtime Trump ally Rep. Matt Gaetz tried to eject him, and the father of another Parkland shooting victim, from a hearing on the bill.
There’s only one way to #MakeMattPay for blocking progress on gun violence prevention. We’ve got to send as much money as we can possibly raise to the Democrat running against him in 2020.
That’s why we’ve set-up a fund where all of the donations go straight to Matt Gaetz’ future Democratic opponent. Thank you for joining Manny, Ady, and the 1000+ other people who have donated to Matt Gaetz's future opponent.
Can you chip in once more right now to help us kick Matt Gaetz out of Congress?
Show your support for this campaign by endorsing it and sharing why!
Denise Willette-Legg endorsed
“He is a Horrible man and it’s hard for me to believe that he was ever elected to represent anyone! He lies like his leader, Trump, and neither deserve to be in our government!”
Susan S endorsed
“We are a disabled veteran family, and a Republican one, at that. We will be voting for Phil because we want to be represented by a veteran who knows what it means to serve. We are weary of the machinations of the spoiled, privileged, entitled brat (Matt Gaetz), who rose through the political ranks on daddy’s coattails. He has made a mockery of the good folks of NW Florida. It’s time to bring his tenure to an end.”
Susan McKown endorsed
Michel Stong endorsed
“We have a lot of work to do as a country. No time for a ‘stuntman’s, it’s time for real action and someone who takes the job of actually representing folx seriously.”
Barbara Federman endorsed
Ida Estrella endorsed
Kathryn Gonzales endorsed
Kristine Gulla endorsed
James Higgins endorsed
Richard Timkovich endorsed
Shelby Hopkins endorsed
bercerly hernandez endorsed
Sue Bodum endorsed
Sharon Walsh endorsed
Angela Griffin endorsed
David Berlin endorsed
Melinda Jacobson endorsed
“No one who threatens witnesses, or bullies the families of gun victims, should serve in the government of my country.”
Teresa Moore endorsed
Mary Higgins endorsed
Jeffery Schaefer endorsed
Wendy endorsed
Debra Finnegan endorsed
Patti Goodall Strawderman endorsed
laney Carrington endorsed
?Damian Mann endorsed
Brian endorsed
Scott Swensen endorsed
Sandra Turner-Purvis endorsed
“He. like Trump does not belong in our government.”
John Lanton endorsed
Johnna M Hansen endorsed