My family and I relocated to Austin in 1988. I began community advocacy as Chair for the Martin Luther King Neighborhood Association in 2017 because of the inequities of residing on the East side of I35 and the vast development not occurring in other parts of town. I witnessed my neighbors being harassed to sell their property or sell because of unmanageable taxes. As a Co-Chair of the EMLK Contact Team, I have helped negotiate the biggest package of community benefits for a development in East Austin history, at the Regiene Rd project; but I know that more is needed. I also re-established the Bethany Cemetery Association, to preserve this historical landmark in District 1, and hold community clean ups to honor this sacred space.

Why I am running: 

TO REDEFINE GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT- Communities have been exploited, gentrified, displaced and overtaxed in the name of “DEVELOPMENT”. It is my belief that all people, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation should be able to not only speak but to also be heard instead of ignored.

TO ADVOCATE FOR AFFORDABILITY PRESERVATION- Today’s definition of “affordability” has caused division in our community. Affordability is no longer affordable! Instead it is a segue to gentrification. The term is now used to justify great density and displacement of communities. When I speak of affordability preservation, I mean true affordability for those who make less than the average in this area. For example, teachers, and service people who don’t make $100K per year. We need housing to accommodate that segment of people, which we currently don’t have.

TO FIND SOLUTIONS- It is my belief that in order to find and implement real solutions to the challenges the city of Austin faces, we must first reevaluate our current systems while listening to the people of this beautiful city and making every effort to address their concerns. An effort must be made to not only listen but to incorporate the voices of our citizens in the decision-making process.

TO ADVOCATE FOR BALANCING THE SCALES- Though the current Council approves an increase of $22/hr, this does not justify the 40% increase in their own salaries. I want to advocate for fair wages for ALL, including our educators, our service team, and those in our artistic communities to allow them to live within the same communities where they’re employed.

TO SUPPORT AND ADVOCATE FOR WOMEN- Women in the workplace continue to be sexually harassed, often without any support or protection. I want to be the person to hear those concerns and support them as well as those organizations developed to help them move beyond the trauma and heal.

Contact me:




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September 22, 2022

Quick update, invites coming soon!

Tons going on this week! This campaign is moving in a wonderful direction - thank you to everyone meeting with me, and connecting me with others. Here's a quick photo from our stop at another district's Councilmember forum in South Austin.

Stay tuned for invitations coming up soon, for Meet the Candidate and block walking! We are looking for volunteers to join us, please let us know if you are interested! Yard signs and new fliers are at the printer too. See you all soon!

September 18, 2022

1 month in, 51 days to go!

Campaign photo by: Leta Kathryn Harrison

I started this campaign just 1 month ago! It is hard to believe that it has been just a few weeks, it feels like more time has passed! This month, I have gathered my campaign team, met with multiple community members and groups to discuss the issues in Austin's District 1, attended my first endorsement meetings and forums, and established my campaign assets. Have you visited my website: yet? Please fill in the contact form and let me know what is important to you in District 1!

How you can help: Go to my social media pages! Follow me (Facebook or Instagram), comment, and share with your networks so that District 1 residents know there is a candidate truly dedicated to the community. I want to hear from you, because as a community leader, I feel our voices have not been incorporated into City of Austin actions these last 4 years.

Campaign created!

Show your support for this campaign by endorsing it and sharing why!