Zach is a passionate advocate for progressive values and transformative change, dedicated to fighting for the rights and well-being of the people of South Dakota. As a prospective candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives seat for South Dakota, Zach believes that every South Dakotan deserves a voice and a choice in this election.

With a firm commitment to listening and engaging with the residents of South Dakota, Zach aims to understand their concerns, challenges, and aspirations. By actively seeking input from the community, Zach seeks to develop a platform that truly represents their interests and addresses the unique needs of South Dakotans.

Zach's vision for South Dakota is built on progressive policies that offer clear advantages for agriculture, workers, and the overall economy. By advocating for fair wages, strong labor protections, and investments in renewable energy, Zach aims to foster economic growth, support small businesses, and ensure a thriving agricultural sector. Through initiatives like affordable healthcare, access to quality education, and a strong commitment to combating climate change, Zach envisions a future where every South Dakotan has the opportunity to succeed and prosper.

South Dakota deserves a representative who will be a champion for the working people, uplift small farms, and prioritize the well-being of the community. Zach is determined to be a strong, progressive, voice that advocates for policies that create a more equitable and prosperous South Dakota.

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    “He seems to be following a similar model to my own, namely that a Representative should respond to the people of their District, listen to what they say, and translate those wishes directly into votes on the House floor. That is far superior to claiming that he has all the answers, and that all you have to do is let him have his way. I hope that we can work together in the House in the future!”

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  • endorsed

    “He seems to be following a similar model to my own, namely that a Representative should respond to the people of their District, listen to what they say, and translate those wishes directly into votes on the House floor. That is far superior to claiming that he has all the answers, and that all you have to do is let him have his way. I hope that we can work together in the House in the future!”