Morals, ethics, integrity.

In light of today's political climate, I feel more of a drive than ever before to contribute to my community. Indiana's 84th district has been home for many years, and I'm finally ready to take a step towards representing the interests of each and every citizen under its scope. 

Friends, patrons, supporters, I humbly ask of you all to embark with me on this journey towards 2020. If we want a shot at gaining this seat, then it will take an extensive amount of work and sheer dedication towards making this reality happen. 

I'm not running as a Democrat because I believe higher taxes are the solution to our problems. I'm running as a Democrat because I feel I can do right by the members of my community with this opportunity. Political party or affiliation shouldn't determine the extent of one's representation of the people, nor would I ever let it affect my work in the Statehouse if elected. My goal is to represent the citizens of the 84th district according to their wishes - no more, no less. 

For those of you who wonder why an area in the middle of the country should matter, then my response to you is this - everything matters. We cannot be complacent in making sure the voices of Americans in this country are heard, and thus I ask for support in making sure this goal bears fruition. 


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December 30, 2018

Another Step Forward

Hello, all! 

I'm happy to announce as of today, I have begun construction of a website that will assist in this campaign as it moves forward. Yes, it may still be ridiculously early, but momentum plays an important part in ensuring we can find success in the future. As I continue to flesh the site out, some things may remain undone or blank, but should be rectified in the near future.

Have a happy New Year, and best of luck with your goals for 2019 and beyond! 


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