Democrats and Republicans alike have consistently failed regular working-class people. I am a regular citizen who cannot stand by while Washington keeps ignoring our suffering. Voting is no longer enough. Writing our representatives is no longer enough. Petitioning and protesting is no longer enough. I am running for office to take action. For so long, policies have benefited the rich and the corporations, and our representatives have done nothing to fix the problem. They no longer deserve our vote just because they belong to a political party that we may agree with. They must earn our vote by enacting policies that actually benefit the constituents, which is why I will not accept any corporate PAC money, or large corporate donor bundling. My vote cannot be bought.

A little about myself:

I was born and raised in Charleston, SC. I am the second child in a family of 4 boys. We moved around the tri-county area a lot as we struggled on the edge of poverty. My dad is 69 and my mom is 57. To this day they do not have a stable income, no real assets to speak of, and have nothing in terms of retirement. I have been, for the most part, on my own in my adult life. I've always held a job throughout my college years as I also had to pay my own bills. I did not have the luxury of staying at home through college, or having financial help from family to live on campus. I was diagnosed at 23 with Ulcerative Colitis and will likely get cancer when I am older. I had my wonderful daughter in 2013, and just recently have been blessed with a son. Even through all of the struggles I've faced, I do not consider myself a victim. On the contrary, I am lucky that I have come so far. There are many who are much worse off. I am now 31, married to my high school sweetheart, proud father of two wonderful kids, finally making a decent income, the first in my immediate family to own a home and go to university. I still have many trials ahead of me, however, and I want to leave my kids and their generation with a better life than I had, which is why I have been driven to run for office. 

And with that, here are just a few policies I support in no specific order:

  • Medicare For All
  • End Citizens United
  • Green New Deal
  • Criminal Justice Reform
  • No More Regime-Change Wars
  • Legalize and Regulate Marijuana
  • Reparations for Descendants of Slaves
  • Tuition-Free College
  • Immigration Reform

My education and professional background is in Computer Science and IT, so I am working on a website currently, which will explain my policy positions more in depth, but know that neither party owns my vote. I will only vote for legislation that I believe is in the best interest of regular people. Corporations and the rich do not get a free pass.

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    “Justin is a smart, articulate, thoughtful man with integrity. I think he'll do a lot for the working poor and middle-class if elected. I support Justin Wooton's run for a seat in the SC Senate and you should too.”

June 17, 2019

New Donation Page

Hi Everyone,

You may have already noticed, but CrowdPAC is shutting down, unfortunately. If you have pledged a donation on this platform, please go to my new donation site below:

I just recently learned of a 2018 campaign in Texas where the candidate Sema Hernandez ran for office and only raised $4000 and ended up getting 23% of the vote. This is extremely inspirational and means that grassroots campaigns like hers and mine really do have a lot of potential. Every dollar really does make a difference.

Thank you all for your support, and I look forward to the challenges ahead in order to represent working class folks, because it's worth it.


Justin Wooton

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    “Justin is a smart, articulate, thoughtful man with integrity. I think he'll do a lot for the working poor and middle-class if elected. I support Justin Wooton's run for a seat in the SC Senate and you should too.”