My name is Dr. Tre Pennie. I am a Doctor of Education from Texas Tech University, a Army veteran and a 20-year Dallas Police sergeant. I am currently running for U.S. House in Texas Congressional District 30.

It's no secret that District 30 has been marred in violent crime and has remained underserved in the areas of economic development, job placement, veteran assistance, and education since its existence. These problems have remained the status quo for several years and nothing has been done to enact meaningful change!

I have a proven history of standing up for "The People" regardless of the partisan politics in Washington. For years, the real problems in District 30 have been ignored – while the politicians have taken advantage of citizens' vulnerabilities and have bartered-off their legacy rights for personal gain. District 30 and other underserved districts across America deserve better and I am here to deliver it!

It's time for a "New Vision" that promotes social and economic upper-mobility for all communities and places the interest of people ahead of partisan politics. Please donate and join me in this noble cause for change! 

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May 21, 2020

Dr. Tre Pennie supporting the community during the crisis.

Dr. Tre Pennie is on the frontlines of the crisis working to support the community.

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