When prejudice and bigotry are up for debate, no one is safe. These thought patterns can easily translate to real-world physical harm. They can disenfranchise communities or silence individual voices.

Ann Arbor City Councilmember Jeff Hayner (Ward 1) has a pattern of poor judgement, most recently highlighted with an offensive Facebook post and his similarly offensive response that still doesn't truly take responsibility for the pain caused by choosing to post a quote with hurtful language.

However, this recall is about more than one man and the uncivil use of his freedom of speech. This is about making our voices heard and standing up to say, "we deserve better than this." We deserve to be represented by someone who listens with not just their ears, but their hearts and minds too.

CM Hayner has repeatedly refused to acknowledge the harm HIS choice of words does to the communities in Ann Arbor, and we are taking action that will reassure people that this town welcomes them.

A successful recall campaign would replace CM Hayner prior to his term’s expiration in 2022. We need your help to build a movement of citizens who will stand up for Ann Arbor's values and expectations of our elected representatives.

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May 29, 2021

FAQ #1: Contribution Limits

Folks who are familiar with political contributions know that there are limits when donating to candidates. However, Michigan has no contribution limit for ballot question committees such as ours. Join us in our enthusiasm for not needing to track contribution limits—you know where the big orange button is!

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